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Healthcare Delivery and Innovation

Translating scientific discovery into clinical practice in order to improve health outcomes for the community.

Our multi-disciplinary teams are addressing health-related research questions that impact across all health disciplines. We're working across areas including education, health economics and implementation science, and seek robust consumer input to address research topics that have relevance for the community.

Program Leader

Our Healthcare Delivery and Innovation Program Leader is supported by three Healthcare Delivery and Innovation Program and Collaborative Research Group Leaders and group members. View a full listing of Healthcare Delivery and Innovation Program researchers.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are an essential component of modern healthcare and provide evidence to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments, diagnostics and health interventions and offer alternative options for patients with unmet needs under current standards of care. Explore Healthcare Delivery and Innovation clinical trials currently running at Mater Research below or learn more about Mater Clinical Trials.