All Clinical Trials
Mater conducts clinical trials in a range of therapeutic areas including Cance, Nerouology, Medicine, Orthopaedics Surgery and Acute Care, and Mothers' and Babies Health. Clinical trials are an essential component of helathcare. They provide the evidence to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treantments and diagnositics, and provide alternative treatment options for patients with unmet needs.
VAV00039 - a vaccine to protect against RSV
VAV00039 is a first-in-human (FiH) study to assess the safety and immunogenicity (in adult participants aged 60-75 years) after a single injection of different dose formulations of an RSV/hMPV vaccine candidate and RSV vaccine.
ABTECT-1: A potential new treatment for UC
The ABTECT-1 Study is being done to learn more about an investigational medication, called Obefazimod or 'ABX464', and its effect in people with ulcerative colitis (UC). UC causes inflammation in the lining of the colon (large intestine). The main symptoms of UC are pain and recurring diarrhoea, which may contain blood and/or mucus.
ACUMEN - Enhancing treatment outcomes after after gynaecological cancer through exercise
Testing the addition of immunotherapy in patients with endometrial cancer
The purpose of the study is to test whether the addition of an immunotherapy drug, called tislelizumab, to the standard of care treatment of high-risk endometrial cancer reduces the risk of the disease coming back, and to determine if the new course of therapy is well-tolerated by participants.
ALAMERE - A potential new treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)
A study on the safety & effectiveness of RO7790121 in the treatment of moderately to severely active UC
A study on the safety & effectiveness of RO7790121 in the treatment of moderately to severely active UC
This study will investigate the use of a new medicine called AMT-151 which may be used in the future as a possible treatment for advanced solid tumours.
A new way of taking hormone tablets for patients with prostate cancer
The research study is testing a new way of taking hormone tablets for prostate cancer. The new method is called ‘adaptive therapy,’ also known as a pause/restart strategy.
ASCERTAIN - Do you have newly diagnosed prostate cancer?
An Open-label, Randomised, Phase I, Multi-centre Study to Investigate the Biological Effects of Saruparib (AZD5305) Alone, Darolutamide Alone, and in Combination Given Prior to Radical Prostatectomy in Men with Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer (ASCERTAIN)
Assessment of airway clearance techniques in adults with bronchiectasis
Feasibility of Electrical Impedance Tomography in assessing short-term effects of airway clearance techniques in adults with bronchiectasis, an observational study.