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Understanding the malignant cell niche – to improve anti-cancer treatment outcomes

Normal stem cells reside in specific microenvironments (niches) in the body which provide support and cell survival signaling. Malignant stem cells also manipulate their local environments in order to take advantage of these survival (therapy-resistance) and growth signals.
The goal of this project is to identify pro-tumor survival factors in the malignant cell niche that are involved in promoting cancer cell survival and therapy resistance.
In part 2, the importance of these factors in determining outcome of cancer progression and therapy response will be investigated in preclinical cancer models.
Anticipated outcomes of this research project may include new strategies to improve anti-cancer therapy outcomes.

Positions available for

This research project divides into two parts. PhD studies would encompass both, while an honours / MPhil would involve first part only.
Contact Person A/Prof Ingrid Winkler
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