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Health and Wellbeing of men during the perinatal period

Males of reproductive age are unlikely to visit health practitioners for regular care until later in life. The QLD family cohort study and the Indigenous QLD Family cohort study have both collect broad health data and measures from mothers and their partners during pregnancy. Research data includes but is not limited to, chronic disease, nutritional intake, alcohol and other drugs, mental health, physical activity, sleep, asthma and allergies.

  • Opportunities exist for a PhD student to work alongside this research team to understand the health of men during this time frame.
  • Supervisors will work with candidates to develop a PhD project that is both in line with the candidate’s research interests and fits within scope of other activities.

Positions available for

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are encouraged to apply. This project would be of particular interest for those who have an interest in men’s health particularly, during fatherhood or those from health and behavioural sciences background who are interested in the First 1000 days of life.
Contact Person A/Prof Kym Rae
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