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Join the Mater Research Health Consumer Network

Mater Research is establishing a network of health consumers to help shape the way we conduct research studies and clinical trials. We want to engage with and hear from health consumers—people who have lived experience of a particular disease, illness or health condition—as well as family, friends, and carers, community groups and members of the public with an interest in healthcare and medical research.  

By involving health consumers in research and clinical trials design, Mater Research can ensure that these vital lived experiences and perspectives are heard to help shape priorities, policy and practice, leading to outcomes that are more relevant and impactful to the community. 

Can you help us?  

We want to hear from you if you are interested in: 

  • improving health research and clinical trials to meet community needs  

  • ensuring consumer voices are heard and influence patient wellbeing and healthcare  

  • increasing public awareness and understanding of research outcomes leading to quality healthcare  

  • giving back to others and to the healthcare industry  

  • creating networks and sharing experiences with researchers and the wider community 

  • developing new skills. 

Participants will be remunerated for time given. 

If this sounds like you, please complete the Health Consumer Network Expression of Interest Form.  

For further information, please contact Consumer Engagement Manager Farhana Matin via email: