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The research project is testing a potential new treatment for nccRCC, called XL092 in a combination with nivolumab.

  • Category
  • Trial status
  • Trial phase
    Phase 3 Drug Trial
    Late stage studies conducted to confirm efficacy and safety of investigational therapies in large patient populations prior to introduction to clinical practice.
  • Registry listing
  • ERM Project ID

Trial contact details

What you need to know

Who can take part?

Patients with unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (nccRCC) who have never received systemic anticancer treatment.

What is involved for you?

XL092 is an oral anticancer agent which you take each day. In this study it is combined with nivolumab which is given via intravenous drip once every four weeks. This treatment is being compared to the treatment of this disease via the use of Sunitinib alone.  You will be required to attend the clinic at least e-2 weeks in the first three months of treatment for a physical assessment, blood tests, ECGs and ongoing assessments. You will also receive ongoing tumour assessments via scans.

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