GOLSEEK-2 - Golcadomide plus Rituximab for Follicular Lymphoma
Patients newly diagnosed with advanced follicular lymphoma with be randomised to standard treatment or Golcadomide and Rituximab. Will be 1:1:1 as will be 2 doses of Golcadomide.
What you need to know
- Histologically confirmed follicular lymphoma as per standards
- No prior systemic treatment for follicular lymphoma
- Needs treatment as per investigator
- Measurable disease
- Transformed lymphoma
- CNS involvement
- Other subtype of lymphoma
What is involved for me?
Days 1 -14 Golcadomide plus rituximab for 12 cycles (1 cycle 4 weeks) - then maintenance rituximab - weekly visit first cycle then 2 weekly for cycle 2 then monthly
6 cycles of chemo if this arm.
Regular scanning every 12 weeks
Completion questionnaires monthly first 12 months then every 16 weeks.